Šangaj, Kina    +86-21-54306275

višenamjenski digitalni td tg dg pisač za t-shirt

FAQ   1. What materials can uv printer print on ? printers are multi-functional printers: it can print on any materials such as phone case, leather, wood, plastic, acrylic, pen, golf ball, metal, ceramic, glass, textile and fabrics etc...   2.Can LED UV printer print embossing effect? Yes, it can print embossing effect, for further information or samples pics, please contact our representative salesman.  3.Does it must be sprayed a pre-coating? Haiwn uv printer can print white inks directly and no need for pre-coating.  4.How can we start to use the printer?  We will send the manual and teaching video with the package of the printer. Before use the machine,please read the manual and watch the teaching video and operate strictly as the instructions. We will also offer excellent service by providing free technical support online.  5.What about the warranty? Our factory provide one year warranty: any parts (except print head,ink pump and ink cartridges) questions on normal use, will provide new ones within one year(not include shipping cost). Beyond one year, only charge at cost.   6. what’s the printing cost? Usually,1.25ml ink can support to print a A3 full size image. Printing cost is very low. 7.how can i adjust the print height? Haiwn printer installs infrared sensor so the printer can detect the height of printing objects automatically.   8.where can i buy the spare parts and inks? Our factory also provide spare parts and inks,you can buy from our factory directly or other suppliers in your local market.   9.what about maintenance of the printer? About maintenance,we suggest to power on the printer once a day.  If you don’t use the printer more than 3 days, please clean the print head with cleaning liquid and put in the protective cartridges on the printer (protective cartridges are specially used for protect print head)

Tehnički podaci

Usage:Bill Printer, Card Printer, Cloths Printer, Label Printer, Paper Printer, Acrylic,aluminum panels,boards,tiles,foam plates,metal plates,glass
Plate Type:Flatbed Printer, Flatbed Printer
Tip: Inkdžet pisači, Digitalni pisač
Stanje: Novo
Automatski stupanj: Automatski
Napon: 220
UV Printer:Digital LED UV Printer
Machine Size:3.7m*2.2m*1.3m
Packing Size:4.1m*2.5m*1.6m
Net Weight:1250KG
Gross Weight:1400KG
OEM Service Offered:YES
Design Service Offered:YES
Pružena usluga nakon prodaje: Inženjeri dostupni za servisiranje strojeva u inozemstvu

Opis proizvoda

Servo motor
ac servo is the sine wave control ball screw,torque ripple is small.the closed-loop control with encoder feed back can meet the fast response and accurate position.

Vacuum and air flotation

1.Adopt intelligent inverter that can control the atr pressure of the vacuum suction table automtically and accurately,and it can ensure different printed materials can be absorbed by the platform stably! The vacuum platform is multifunctional,it is thermostable and difference is less thanb 0.2mm, there are 6 dependentt vacuum suction,and each vacuum suction can be controled by air valve.The machine comes with high power air blower,which can have larger suction area.

2.Using air floatation function can make the printed object taken out easily in the pneumatic suspension,and reduce the friction caused by objects and platform.

Import LED-UV curing lamp

low power, low heat, long life, life 2000-3000hours can be used for 20 years,low energy consumption is one tenth of the power consumption of the traditional mercury,that can greatly improve the production efficiency shorten the exposure time of a job.

1-5mm suction segment platform,aluminum honeycomb structure, the structure stable, stiffness,anywhere uniform suction platform.

Spray nozzle anti collision protection. Because the printer is non-contact printing, the height of the 2mm around,so the board is not flat,the edge will easily hit the nozzle, crash protection will be higher than the nozzle 0.5mm. This will not hit the spray nozzle and be blocked to protect the spray nozzle.

Human interface design
Dual control system,you can do whatever you want.
Exquisite LCD touch panel, user-frieddly interface operation design, super screen but more delicate,ultra sensitive touch screen can also be operated with gloves
dual control system let you use the machine more conveniently.

Automactic ink circulation system
White ink automactic circulation anti precipitation function
Unique white ink automactic cycle deposition prevention function,according to a set period of time to keep the intermittent.

Digital LED UV Printer Specifications

Vrsta mlazniceEpson 18600(3.5PL)Ricoh G5
Number of nozzles1-2 PCS3-10 PCS
Veličina ispisa1300mm * 2500mm1300mm * 2500mm
Brzina ispisaDraft mode 36m2/hDraft mode 50m2/h
Mode of production 24m2/hMode of production 36m2/h
High quality mode 16m2/hHigh quality mode 25m2/h
MaterijaltypeAcrylic,aluminum panels,boards,tiles,foam plates,metal plates,glass,carboard and other flated objects
Max size2500mm*1800mm
Vrsta tinteC,M,Y,Y+WC,M,Y,Y+W
Technical parameterAutomatic sprinkler cleaning systemSiphon cleaning
Ink supply systemLiquid level automatic sensor
2 UV lamp2 UV lamp


Protect coverUV light guide plate to isolate and protect the eyes
Data transfer interfaceUSB 2.0
Kontrola bojeComply with international ICC standards with curve and density adjustment function
Spray nozzle technologyDrop on-demand, micro piezo inject mode
Print modeUnidirectional and bidirectional
Operating environmentTemperature:20℃-28℃ humidity:40-60%
Razlučivost ispisa720*360dpi, 360*1080dpi, 720*720dpi, 720*1080dpi, 720*1440dpi
DimenzijaVeličina stroja3700*2150*1260mm ;1250KG
Packaging size4100*2450*1600mm ;1400KG
Power supply voltageAC 220V, Host maximum 1000W, Suction motor 1500W


1. Na kojim se materijalima može ispisati uv pisač?
pisači su višenamjenski pisači: može ispisivati na bilo kojem materijalu kao što je telefon, koža, drvo, plastika, akril, olovka, lopta za golf, metal, keramika, staklo, tekstil i tkanine itd.

2.Can LED UV printer ispisuje reljefni efekt?
Da, može ispisati efekt utiskivanja, za daljnje informacije ili slike možete se obratiti našem zastupniku.

3.Da li se mora poprskati premaz?
Haiwn UV pisač može ispisati bijele tinte izravno i nema potrebe za premazom.

4.Kako možemo početi koristiti pisač?
S paketom pisača poslat ćemo priručnik i nastavni video.
Prije uporabe stroja, molimo pročitajte priručnik i gledajte nastavni video i radite isključivo kao upute.
Također ćemo ponuditi izvrsnu uslugu pružanjem besplatne tehničke podrške na internetu.
5. Što je s jamstvom?
Naša tvornica pruža jednogodišnje jamstvo: svi dijelovi (osim ispisne glave, crpke za tintu i spremnika s tintom) pitanja o normalnoj uporabi, osigurat će nove u roku od jedne godine (ne uključuju troškove dostave). Više od jedne godine, naplaćuje se samo po trošku.

6. što je trošak ispisa?
Obično tinta od 1,25 ml može podržati ispis slike pune veličine A3.
Trošak ispisa je vrlo nizak.
7.how mogu podesiti visinu ispisa?
Pisač Haiwn instalira infracrveni senzor tako da pisač može automatski detektirati visinu ispisanih objekata.

8. Gdje mogu kupiti rezervne dijelove i tinte?
Naša tvornica također pružaju rezervne dijelove i tinte, možete kupiti od naše tvornice izravno ili drugih dobavljača u vašem lokalnom tržištu.

9. Što je sa održavanjem pisača?
O održavanju, predlažemo da uključite pisač jednom dnevno.
Ako ne koristite pisač duže od 3 dana, molimo očistite glavu za ispis tekućinom za čišćenje i stavite zaštitne uloške na pisaču (zaštitne patrone se posebno koriste za zaštitu glave pisača)